The relentless pursuit of the school has been:-

To lay the foundation of a noble character of moral integrity, brotherhood, patriotism and sacrifice in the young minds so that grow straight and strong as ideal leaders who can shape the destiny of the nation.

True education should produce balanced personality in whom intellectual, emotional and spiritual values are harmoniously developed. Therefore, all the learning programmes in the school are structured to inculcate in the learners, the qualities of:

  • Self-confidence.
  • Academic excellence.
  • Communication Social skills adjustment along with analytical abilities.
  • Maintenance of a well-nourished, healthy and agile physique though Yoga and number of sports activities.
  • Inculcating an affinity towards a disciplined and regulate life through freedom.
  • Harmonizing positive thoughts, words and actions.
  • Developing respect and regard towards Indian culture and way of life.