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- For the Successful implementation of the academic program regularity and punctuality is imperative.
- A minimum of 75% of the total attendance of the academic session would be necessary to appear at the Annual exam.
- If the attendance is less than the prescribed % i.e. 75% total working days the student will bot be allowed to appear in Annual Exam.
- Students must be punctual. They should arrive at the school 5 min before the first bell.
- It is compulsory to bring I-Card and school Diary regularly.
- Students are not allowed to raceme visitors during school hours.
- A student is generally not allowed to leave the school during the school hours.
- School uniform is compulsory on all school days and at all school functions. Students must wear the prescribed uniform, exact in colour and pattern & they should come school clean and tidy with trim hair.
- Articles like expensive watches, costly pens and jewelry must be avoided. Cell phones, I-pads, Walkman, laptops, tablets and any such gadget is strictly banned and once found these will be confiscated.
- Exchange of gifts on any occasion among students and between Student- Teacher is not allowed.
- Corporal punishment is strictly banned.
- Writing or Scribbling on the walls or causing damage to school property and property of others, will be treated as MISCONDUCT, any such act shall entail punishment and recovery of the cost even if done accidentally.
- Shouting whistling and using abusive language are strictly disallowed.
- Busting Crackers and Splashing colours in the school premises are strictly banned, Indulged in these activities will result in expulsion from the school.
- Students are not supposed to bring any sharp instruments such as knife etc. to the school or any kind of object that cause injury to others.
- Students will be hold responsible for irregular attendance, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect to the members of school staff.
- The school shall not take the responsibility or liability for any unforeseen accidents or illness or mishap that may happen to a student during the school hours or while on school trips or school sponsored activities outside the school.
- The school reserves for itself the right to dismiss a students for unsatisfactory progress or bad conduct.
- If a students bellow 16 years of age, he/she is not allowed to come to the school on the bikes. Only those students will be allowed who posses a vehicle during license and who take permission from the school.